Help Secure Housing


One of the ways we help Native Americans is by helping them secure housing. We know that many Native Americans face difficulties in finding and maintaining safe, affordable, and adequate housing on or near their tribal lands. We also understand that Native Americans have diverse and rich cultures, traditions, and values that influence their housing preferences and needs.

That is why we offer various housing assistance programs that aim to increase the availability and accessibility of housing for Native Americans. Our housing assistance programs include:

  • Homeownership assistance: We help Native Americans who want to buy, build, or improve a home on federal trust land or private land. We provide access to low-interest loans, down payment assistance, homebuyer education, and counseling. We also partner with organizations that provide government backing for mortgages for Native American families and tribes.

  • Rental assistance: We help Native Americans who need to rent a home on or near their tribal lands. We provide subsidies, vouchers, and grants to help them pay their rent and utilities. We also collaborate with organizations that give rental help and support services to Native American veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

  • Housing improvement assistance: We help Native Americans who live in substandard homes on or near their tribal lands. We provide funds, materials, and labor to help them repair, renovate, or replace their homes. We also administer the Housing Improvement Program (HIP), which is a home improvement and replacement grant program for Native Americans who have a very low income.

  • Housing development assistance: We help Native American tribes and organizations to develop and manage housing projects on their tribal lands. We provide technical assistance, training, and funding to help them plan, design, construct, and operate housing units that meet the needs and preferences of their communities.

We believe that housing is a human right and that everyone deserves to live in a home that is safe, comfortable, and culturally appropriate. We are here to help you find and secure the housing that suits your situation and goals. If you or someone you know is in need of housing assistance, please contact us today. We are ready to assist you.


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