Native Guardians Foundation

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Career Counseling

One of the ways we help Native Americans is by providing career counseling. We know that many Native Americans face barriers and challenges in pursuing their career goals, such as lack of access to education, training, and employment opportunities, discrimination and stereotypes, cultural and family expectations, and identity conflicts. We also understand that Native Americans have diverse and rich cultures, traditions, and values that influence their career interests, choices, and development.

That is why we offer culturally relevant and holistic career counseling services that respect and honor the unique needs and preferences of each individual. Our career counselors are trained and experienced in working with Native Americans and are familiar with their history, languages, and beliefs. We also collaborate with tribal elders, leaders, and mentors who can provide additional support and guidance.

Our career counseling services include:

  • Career assessment and exploration: We help Native Americans discover their strengths, skills, interests, values, and personality traits and how they relate to various career options. We use a variety of assessment tools and methods that are valid and appropriate for Native Americans, such as the Native American Career Inventory, the Native American Career Values Inventory, and the Native American Career Development Model. We also help them explore different career fields and occupations that match their preferences and goals.

  • Career planning and decision-making: We help Native Americans develop realistic and attainable career plans and make informed and satisfying career decisions. We use a collaborative and empowering approach that involves the individual, their family, and their community. We help them identify and evaluate their options, weigh the pros and cons, and consider the short-term and long-term consequences of their choices. We also help them cope with uncertainty, ambiguity, and change in their career journey.

  • Career preparation and development: We help Native Americans prepare for and succeed in their chosen careers. We provide access to education, training, and employment opportunities that are relevant and beneficial for Native Americans. We also provide assistance with resume writing, cover letter writing, job search strategies, networking skills, interview skills, and negotiation skills. We also help them develop and enhance their career competencies, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and leadership.

  • Career transition and adjustment: We help Native Americans navigate and manage the challenges and opportunities that come with career transitions and adjustments. We provide support and guidance for Native Americans who are entering, re-entering, changing, or leaving the workforce. We also help them deal with stress, conflict, discrimination, and other issues that may affect their career satisfaction and performance. We also help them balance their work and life roles and responsibilities.

We believe that career counseling is not only a service but also a relationship. We are here to help you achieve your career aspirations and fulfill your potential. If you or someone you know is in need of career counseling, please contact us today. We are ready to help you.